New thorns in town? Here’s why Tupai King, other new durian varieties may be mislabelled

Tan also cautioned that because almost anything about the seller is known, virtual scams are more common. To safeguard oneself, one may look for vendors with a large amount of testimonials.

When buying fruit in man, one can preserve the five S’s in thinking:

First, pick a fruit in the 1.7 to 2.2 kilograms range, as larger-sized types tend to be unripened. Next, perform the plant test: A alternative hinge means beauty. Next, look for signs of spoilage, such as a strong vertical crack.

Finally, shake the durian carefully to evaluate its sound. A loud knock indicates that the body is unripened, a gentler sound indicates ripeness, and there is no sound at all when it is immature.

Lastly, use your sense of smell. A mature durian may have a powerful, some might say pleasant aroma, while an unripe durian will have little to no smell.

To save some money and avoid the enthusiasm, taking a website from Yeo’s updated durian handbook: Get for Mao Shan Wang, and embrace the biological variation in each fruit.

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