Storm Soulik weakens in Thailand but rain persists

Officials survey a flooded road in Trat province on Friday. About 50 provinces have been warned to expect rain from the weakened Storm Soulik until Monday. (Photo: Jakkrit Waewkraihong)
On Friday, authorities in Trat state examine a flooded street. About 50 regions have been given advance notices that the weakened Storm Soulik will likely experience fog until Monday. ( Photo: Jakkrit Waewkraihong )

Forecasters predict that while Tropical Storm Soulik spreads throughout Thailand and will continue to soak some areas this trip despite losing power as it progresses.

About 50 counties, including Bangkok, may experience rain or heavy rains through Monday as per the most recent warning from the Meteorological Department, which was released on Friday night. Strong winds and great lakes are also anticipated for the region’s coastal Andaman during this time, it continued.

Around 10am on Friday, Soulik entered Thailand via Nakhon Phanom in the Northeast and was upgraded to a low pressure system, as determined by the weathermen. They continued,” It is moving westward and still has an impact on the country, particularly the north and northeast regions,” they continued.

Some national gardens have been closed because bad weather may thwart customers. Additionally, municipal officials are putting together plans to deal with potential flood.