SRT outlines ‘rail service for Asean’

New government tries to address debt problem

Veeris: Will raise SRT's revenue
Veeris: Does increase SRT’s income

Veeris Ammarapala, 49, the new State Railway of Thailand ( SRT ) governor, has vowed to make Thailand a railway service hub of Asean during his four-year term.

He stated that he is prepared to assume his position as the 20th government because he is aware of the significance of the SRT, the country’s largest state-owned travel company ,’s position and vision.

Now, the SRT is tasked with a number of serious operations. The progression and introduction of new projects in line with the Ministry of Transport’s policies to encourage investment in rail transportation infrastructure are among their top priorities.

This includes the development of double-track railroads across the nation and the development of the Thai-Chinese high-speed rail task that will connect Nong Khai in the north with Bangkok.

” I will even concentrate on expanding the rail service and expanding its capacity,” according to Mr. Veeris,” to quickly establish Thailand as the center of rail transportation in Asean.”

He added that he would also help the private business to make investments in SRT projects and accelerate up the arrangement of SRT’s 230-billion-baht loan.

Additionally, he has pledged to work with state-owned companies to rent the use of songs, which may help lower the cost of goods moving within the nation.

Mr. Veeris stated that he intends to develop SRT components to raise revenue.

He stated that the SRT will investigate possible land growth along the railroads that could generate income. ” I will increase the SRT’s revenue, reduce its debt and improve the service efficiency and]level of customer ] satisfaction”.

He added that he intends to contact the Ministry of Finance for assistance with the size of the debt because a portion of it was due to the government’s commitment to provide social rail services to the poor at no cost.

The amount of money that the state will subsidise yearly, including debt consolidation and reform, will also be discussed, he noted. The SRT’s loan may be lowered straight away if this part can become completed, Mr Veeris contended.

He denied this and claimed he had gained significant knowledge working for many organizations that have helped the country develop. When asked if he was able to land the job because of his near relations with Transport Minister Suriya Jungreangkit, he replied that he had not.

When he learned that the place was available, he claimed that no one had given him any instructions to apply. He simply applied. ” My goal is to make the rail service even better, making it the primary mode of transportation in the country, and getting a lot of people to use it often, especially the younger ones. He added that the road transport system will help offset the cost of driving in public.