MOE will protect teachers from ‘unreasonable expectations’ that affect their well-being

Additionally, Mr. Chan made various suggestions to streamline non-teaching jobs and lessen the load for educators. &nbsp,

Schools can choose between the applied learning program and the learning for living program, he said, starting in 2026, and choosing just one of the two. &nbsp,

Schools will have the authority to review and simplify the two programs, allowing them to free up staff for additional priorities, according to Mr. Chan. &nbsp,

Applications of thinking skills and linking expertise across content areas, such as architecture, robotics, and journalism, are the focus of Applied Learning programmes. &nbsp,

Learning for career programs emphasize real-world, empirical learning to foster character and values in disciplines like outdoor adventure, sports, and visual arts. &nbsp,

The introduction of the applied teaching and learning for life programs in 2014 and the drive for niche programs came in 2005. &nbsp,

He noted that MOE’s current efforts to streamline non-teaching duties have reduced teachers ‘ exam administrative load by 10 %. &nbsp,

With the introduction of the Singapore-Cambridge&nbsp, Secondary&nbsp, Education Certificate from 2027, the number of test classes may be reduced by about half, and invigilation weight by up to 15 per share. &nbsp,

The government will also captain a method for parents to use technology to reduce the load of teachers by using Parents Gateway to use the technology, according to the education secretary. &nbsp,

In the first school year of 2025, the captain will be conducted in 10 key to pre-university level classrooms, according to MOE in a distinct press release. &nbsp,

According to Mr. Chan, educators may change their attitudes when it comes to their work. They must also remember that striving for superiority is not the same as achieving excellence. &nbsp,

Educators should not be held up by the fear of mistake, he added.

” We should not expect to do everything for everyone at all times, at the same time… We do n’t need to be everywhere, everything, everyone, all at the same time. We are not extraordinary people”, said the education secretary. &nbsp,

” If we do n’t prioritise, we do ourselves a disservice. We also do our efforts and our students a disservice” .&nbsp,