Married but lonely: Is this normal and why do some women feel this way?

You might assume that getting married guarantees you wo n’t ever feel lonely. However, it’s possible to get in a dedicated connection and still feel aloof in it.

Maybe your partner and you have a routine that causes unwarranted range between you. You might like to perform yoga before going to sleep, while he might prefer to read through his social media feed to unwind from the day.

If you have children, you may each own” carved out” your personal areas of specialisation or obligation. For instance, you might assist in helping the kids with their math while he is putting the kids to bed.

In these situations, there’s little need to communicate with each other. The mother’s needs too, may leave you both exhausted.

A person’s sense of isolation can increase with time, along with other stresses from her job and hectic schedules.


According to Theresa Pong, the founder and director of The Relationship Room, feeling lonely is” an mental condition filled with powerful sense of isolation or disconnection from others, yet when literally surrounded by people.”

It frequently triggers a hankering for deeper relationships with others and feelings of loneliness. ” Feeling depressed speaks to a deeper emotional confinement, where one may be actually present with their family, but feels a disconnection”, she added.