Maris in talks with Myanmar

Foreign Affairs Minister Maris Sangiampongsa (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Foreign Affairs Minister Maris Sangiampongsa ( Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs )

Maris Sangiampongsa, the foreign affairs minister, is negotiating with Myanmar’s government to find common solutions to the floods condition in the area.

He claims that the two neighboring countries may look into ways to increase catchment areas to lessen flooding.

The chancellor made the observation that Myanmar is suffering from severe flooding as a result of heavy rains and flooding of the Salween River.

He added that the Thai consulate in Myanmar is collaborating with organizations from both nations to explain technical details in order to find ideal locations that can serve as reservoir areas.

He noted that Myanmar’s border town of Tachileik has experienced the most severe flooding in 30 years and that the recent flood situation is affecting all nations along the Mekong River.

According to Mr. Maris, heavy rains caused the Sai River to flow, which led to the flooding in the area.

The fact that houses have been constructed on both sides of the river in both Thailand and Myanmar has narrowed and shallowed the canal, which has worsened the drainage issue. Mr. Maris stated that he is preparing to suggest more assistance in waters management through the Mekong-Lanchang Cooperation framework in order to prevent flooding over the long term.

In addition, the Chinese ambassador in Bangkok recently stated on Twitter that, as the media reported, China was no releasing water into the Mekong River. Additionally, it stated that the nation has been keeping an eye on the quantity of liquid leaving the Jinghong Dam. Therefore, it claimed that the water from the Jinghong Dam was n’t to blame for the southern Mekong River’s worsening flooding situation.

China is eager to expand markets and cooperation with the Mekong nations in order to manage the situation and effects of extreme weather, according to the post.