Blood donations needed for injured Thai flood rescuers

An official (left) takes a box containing three blood bags to Phichit Hospital after a carrier helicopter from Chiang Rai landed at a football stadium in Phichit's Muang district on Monday. (Photo: Phichit public relations office Facebook account)
A carrier helicopter from Chiang Rai landed at a football stadium in Phichit’s Muang district on Monday, and an official ( left ) transports three blood bags to Phichit Hospital. ( Photo: Phichit public relations office Facebook account )

Four save participants were hurt in a highway accident when they returned home to Nonthaburi after helping flood victims in Chiang Rai state, northeastern Thailand, when Pichit Hospital called for urgent blood gifts.

Three carriers of donor blood were brought by a plane from Chiang Rai, according to the hospital on Monday. The provincial public relations business reported that the second was still being checked and that the second two were used right away.

The doctor said more body was also needed, especially A-negative, for the treatment of the four recuers. Donors may contact the doctor at 094-101-4403.

The names and additional details of the injured and their circumstances have not been made public. A female coworker died in the collision.

The Nonthaburi Recovery System is stationed at Charoen Nakhon station, along with the other five. When they returned from Chiang Rai to the center on Sunday, the delivery truck they were traveling in crashed into a wayside tree in the Sam Ngam district of Phichit.

According to police authorities, it was probable that the driver snoozed at the wheel because he had already worked so hard to help flood sufferers in Mae Sai. &nbsp,