Spanish PM Sanchez pushes ‘fair trade order’ on China trip

During a visit to China on Monday ( Sep 9 ) to promote” fair trade order,” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez called for” fair trade order” in order to strengthen ties with the economic powerhouse despite a standoff between Beijing and the European Union.

Sanchez met with Premier Li Qiang, who is also from China, at Beijing’s elaborate Great Hall of the People on Monday evening, and said that Spain “wishes to keep strengthening its relations with China.”

He stated in a blog on his account on X that” we want to create bridges to support up a good trade order.”

This, he said, “allows our economy to expand and benefits our business and people”.

Sanchez may also travel to Shanghai on Tuesday and Wednesday, where he will meet local leaders and organizations and launch a new Cervantes Institute social center.

Speaking at a conference in Beijing on Monday, Sanchez hailed” powerful ties” between China and Spain.

In a video shared on his social media pages, he said,” Even on those problems where our roles do not completely correspond, we maintain a productive willingness to engage in dialogue and participation.”

He continued,” We are committed to creating a positive mission and seeking consensus-based solutions that benefit all events.”

Earlier in the day, Sanchez met with the Spain-China Business Advisory Council- piece of work to “deepen trade and investment ties” between the two places.

” Our goal is clear: to develop a healthy relationship, based on respect and equality that benefits both regions”, Sanchez said on X.

Following a routine that his company has provided, he will meet with President Xi Jinping and key legislators later in the afternoon.

The Colonial prime minister met with Xi during his most recent trip to China in March 2023, and he also participated in the Boao Forum for Asia, a rematch of the World Economic Forum held in Davos, in Hainan province in China.