B9m donation to aid Myanmar”s humanitarian efforts

A member of the insurgent KNDF Karenni Nationalities Defence Force rescues civilians trapped amid airstrikes during a battle to take over Loikaw in Kayah State, Myanmar November 14, 2023. (Reuters photo)
A part of the rebel KNDF Karenni Nationalities Defence Force rescue citizens who were stranded in attacks on November 14, 2023 in a battle to overtake Loikaw in Kayah State, Myanmar. ( Reuters photo )

Following Caretaker Foreign Minister Maris Sangiampongsa’s pledge at the recent 57th Asean Ministerial Meeting ( AMM) in Vientiane, Thailand on Monday donated a further nine million baht to provide humanitarian aid for the Myanmar crisis.

Eksiri Pintaruchi, the Thai government’s permanent secretary for foreign affairs, on Monday defended the donation to the Asean Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management ( AHA Center ) to assist the people of Myanmar.

According to Ms. Eksiri, this fiscal support comes from Mr. Maris’s promise that Thailand would help the AHA Center in accordance with the Vientiane conference held July 21 to July 27.

She said Thailand has also provided US$ 450, 000 ( 15.75 million baht ) since 2021 to support humanitarian work in Myanmar. The International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) and other international organizations have received these funds.

Thailand hopes that this donation will improve the charitable aid that the AHA center will provide to the affected communities in remote areas, Ms Eksiri said.

Thailand is open to working with several partners to increase humanitarian assistance to the people of Myanmar, according to her statement.” Looking ahead, Thailand is determined to do more to scale up philanthropic assistance to the people of Myanmar.

The AHA Center’s executive director, Lee Yam Ming, praised Thailand’s positive relationship and cooperation with Asean for the benefit of the people of Myanmar.

” Thailand’s determination amplifies the effective deployment of cycle 1, which addressed immediate requirements in response to Covid-19, as well as the continued support for step 2, which addresses broader demands of humanitarian assistance in Myanmar,” he said.