Meth found in art bound for Taiwan

Crystal meth was discovered this year hidden in attractive cement containers intended for delivery to Taiwan.

Crystal meth is concealed beneath the foundation of this cat sculpture, which is decorated with beautiful cement. Before it was scheduled to get shipped to Taiwan, the illegal drug was taken on Wednesday at Bangkok Port. Customs Department

Crystal meth is concealed beneath the foundation of this cat sculpture, which is decorated with beautiful cement. Before it was scheduled to get shipped to Taiwan, the illegal drug was taken on Wednesday at Bangkok Port. Customs Department

According to Panthong Loykulnan, spokesman for the Customs Department, officers from the Seaport Interdiction Task Force ( SITF ) conducted an inspection of Bangkok Port in the Klong Toey district on Wednesday and discovered two boxes of suspicious cement ware items.

Mr Panthong said the boxes contained dog masonry dolls in the forms of cats, elephants, deer, goats, and beautiful fountains.

Overall, 30 kilogrammes of crystal heroin were discovered inside these items, with an estimated street value of 30 million ringgit.

The drugs have been forwarded to the Narcotics Suppression Bureau ( NSB ) for further investigation.

Mr Panthong said officials are coordinating with pertinent agencies, both domestic and international, to observe drug-smuggling activities. He claimed that the drug traffickers are employing various strategies to bring more medicines out of the state.

The Customs Department documented 126 drug trafficking cases valued at more than 900 million ringgit between October 1 last year and August 22.