Money Talks Podcast: How to talk about money with Gen Alpha kids

Starting discussions about wealth and financial management as early as six to seven years old is important, in my opinion. And even at this time, children are exposed to systems. However, I recommend using money to show financial aspects. &nbsp,

That’s what you do with your children, you give them cash?

I do. When a young child may actually hold and count funds, it is simpler for them to discover concepts like budgeting and benefits, in the same way that toddlers require physical products to build their fine motor skills.

Thus, for example, they’re able to see literally the benefits of saving by adding currencies and information to a piggy banks. &nbsp,

And finally, hearing the coins hit the ceramic or plastic of the bank, you ca n’t help but be upset that your kids may receive old-fashioned cash instead of their friends who may choose to use an old-fashioned top up card (or ) something more awkward, like using their phones and watches to pay? &nbsp,

Not at this time; rather, the teen is beginning to inquire about cards, and we will start introducing them pretty quickly.

Depending on the child’s specific maturity, the typical period for which I would suggest introducing a computerized form of money is 12 to 14 years older. Because they begin to utilize wireless devices at this age, the use of funds will become more digital. &nbsp,