Maid fined for fighting with other domestic helpers at Paya Lebar over TikTok videos

SINGAPORE: A domestic helper was fined S$ 1, 000 ( US$ 764 ) by a court on Tuesday ( Aug 20 ) for fighting with other maids&nbsp, near Paya Lebar MRT Station.

For the May 19 event between two groups of five girls, Sriani, a 46-year-old Malaysian national, entered a plea of guilty to one matter of affray.

The confrontation began after Sriani posted video on TikTok disparaging Sulastri, 44, who had been accused of murder.

Due to this, the two groups of servants fought intemperately.

According to the court’s investigation, Sriani and the other four Indonesian servants were employed by various Singaporean homes.

Sriani was friends with co-accused Maesorah, 35, while the remaining three girls were from the minute party: Sulastri, 44, Nita Widia Rahayu, 34 and Siti Rukayah Kusni, 47.


On May 19th, Sriani traveled to Paya Lebar Square and afterwards slept in a corner next to a store.

However, Sulastri, Siti, Nita and four other people who could not be identified were at Tanjong Katong Complex for a meeting.

Siti suggested visiting Paya Lebar Square to fight Sriani over the TikTok articles.

The team arrived that at about 2.40pm and found Sriani sleeping. She was awakened by a push.

A heated debate ensued, followed by a struggle involving Sriani, Sulastri, Siti, Nita and Sriani’s companion Maesorah, who happened to be at the site with some friends.

The battle attracted a crowd of onlookers, said the prosecutors, and a member of the public called the police.

All five servants were arrested and charged.

The attorney did not object to the punishment of Sriani and did not want a good to be levied.

Ong Chin Rhu, the assistant district judge for the second city, inquired about Sriani’s status while working for her boss, who had set her up on loan.

Sriani nodded and stated her intention to pay any fines that had been levied through a Bahasa Indonesia speaker.

After hearing the classical, she said she would give it.

Sulastri and Siti, two additional co-accused, were detained in Sriani’s event because they had applied for legal representation under the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme, but the two ladies requested that the hearing be adjourned.

Maesorah and Nita, the other two people who are still at-bat, are still pending.

The penalties for affray is a prison term of up to a time, a fine of up to S$ 5, 000, or both.