Revamped GEP to start with 2024 Primary 1 cohort, 10% of students to be selected for high-ability programmes


Students are currently invited to enroll in one of nine GEP key institutions starting in Key 3, and those chosen are chosen for the GEP through a two-stage training in Primary 3.

According to the Education Ministry, the next day this is conducted is for individuals who will be in Key 3 in 2025, and the last diet of kids in Primary 4 will be in 2026. &nbsp,

Under the new program, the first step of the standardized GEP collection evaluation, which examines their English and Mathematics abilities, at Major 3 will be retained. The next step, which includes a basic ability test and tests for English and mathematics, will be eliminated. &nbsp,

Not only will this be the first time that students can get screened for enrollment in school-based programs. According to the Education Ministry, they can be chosen for school-based programs and after-school modules at various points between Main 4 and Major 6. &nbsp,

Schools can even identify individuals suitable for the programs based on day-to-day studies, teacher recommendations and their work, MOE said, adding that there is” no set weighting” for these testing procedures. &nbsp,

This novel approach will provide more in-depth and detailed information about potential and capabilities of students over time.

Some individuals may be early stockings, while others may rose afterwards, said MOE in a lecture on Monday. &nbsp,

The Education Ministry stated that” we do n’t want to just be focusing on the P3 selection test for GEP as a single time window to actually identify students with particular intellectual boosts.” &nbsp,

High-ability students may stay in their own schools at higher primary without having to transfer to one of the nine GEP schools at Major 4, according to MOE, adding that with programs in all schools.

More students enrolling in private groups to plan for the GEP choice process, according to the government, with more individuals experiencing anxiety at the GEP collection process in recent years. &nbsp,

Although choosing individuals for the GEP may depend on whether they are selected, MOE added, it may not be in their children’s best interests to take these preliminary courses. &nbsp,

They might be able to find in through the selection process, but they might never succeed. That’s certainly a problem for us as well”, said the Education Ministry. &nbsp,

Education Minister Chan Chun Sing said on Monday that kids should be aware of the drawbacks of teaching their children at a high level at an earlier period than usual. &nbsp,

There is no need for us to environment our children if we now understand that there are actually several points of entry and exit. And in reality, if anything, it will do the baby more hurt than good”, he said, adding that parents may allow their children develop at their normal level.

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Because MOE has been expanding its power over the years, the state would not have been able to make these changes in the GE P’s early years, according to Mr. Chan. &nbsp,

Under the new program, 10 per share of the kids, or about 3, 000 pupils across 180 primary schools will be able to meet school-based programmes for high-ability learners, he noted.

Every school will have about 15 students on average, according to Mr. Chan, some of whom may have slightly more than others. &nbsp,

” But in general, we’ll be able to have sufficient resources to distribute across all the different schools in order to conduct these programmes”, he added. &nbsp,

Over the years, teachers have received training to support high-ability learners, according to MOE, adding that teachers will also be trained to provide differentiated instruction in class. &nbsp,

In accordance with the new approach, MOE will use the expertise of the nine GEP primary schools to develop higher-ability learners.

” One direct implication is that we will deploy some of these teachers to support the after-school modules, so they may be posted to the schools hosting the after-school modules from 2027 onwards”, said the Education Ministry. &nbsp,

According to MOE, there will likely be more schools that will offer the after-school modules than the current nine GEP primary schools. They will be chosen based on factors like geographic diversity to accommodate students from across Singapore. &nbsp,

Since students may also have commitments to co-curricular activities or other programs, MOE said, adding that both parents and students are also free to opt out of the programs. For the time being, students are only required to attend these after-school modules about once a week. &nbsp,

Some students who are chosen to enroll in after-school modules in more than one subject may enroll in more than one module per week or enroll in multiple modules in different subjects throughout the academic year, according to the Education Ministry. &nbsp,