Mekong group to work on human security

Among the areas of focus are waters resources management, air pollution, and intergovernmental crime.

Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi (third from left), joins Eksiri Pintaruchi, permanent secretary of the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs (fourth from left) and other representatives of Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia at the ninth Mekong-Lancang Cooperation (MLC) foreign ministers’ meeting in Chiang Mai on Friday. (Photo: Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi ( third from left ), joins Eksiri Pintaruchi, permanent secretary of the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( fourth from left ) and other representatives of Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia at the ninth Mekong-Lancang Cooperation ( MLC ) foreign ministers ‘ meeting in Chiang Mai on Friday. ( Photo: Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs )

One of the main topics raised at the ninth Mekong-Lancang Cooperation ( MLC ) foreign ministers ‘ meeting co-chaired by Thailand and China on Friday in Chiang Mai was human security.

Individuals agreed that enhancing surveillance at the local level may help ensure equitable progress in the greater Mekong subregion, which includes China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.

People safety is a local challenge, and officials agreed to strengthen cooperation against frequent security threats, such as transnational crime, said Eksiri Pintaruchi, continuous secretary of the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A combined statement called for increased cooperation on intergovernmental crime, mainly drug trafficking and crime, such as online scams and scam facilities.

According to Ms Eksiri, participation under the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Framework may include sharing of information and knowledge, observing border regulates, and establishing capacity.

Officials also focused on tackling transnational air pollutants, another obstacle to human security, by agreeing to do a Clean Air initiative to create a haze-free Mekong-Lancang community, she said.

A plan to expand cooperation in the field of water resources was also agreed on, encompassing both the Mekong River ( known as the Lancang in China ) and the countries through which it flows.

” Thailand pledges to continue working with all MLC members on fostering biodiversity, especially through the Mekong-Lancang water resources cooperation centre and the Mekong River Mission Secretariat”, said Ms Eksiri.