32 cyclists fined for breaching group size rule on the road

SINGAPORE: Fines were meted out to 32 cyclists for flouting&nbsp, the group size rule&nbsp, during recent joint enforcement operations by the Traffic Police and the Land Transport Authority ( LTA ).

The Traffic Police and LTA both stated in a joint news release on Tuesday ( Aug 13 ) that their officers “educated” cyclists during their operations on July 28 and Aug 4 to raise awareness of cycling rules and guidelines. &nbsp,

No more than five bike may be grouped together on Singapore’s streets. They must walk in single file while traveling on designated single-lane streets and in vehicle paths.

On streets with two or more roads, they may period two abreast, in teams of up to 10.

Cyclists found breaking the group size rule face a fine of US$ 113 ( S$ 150 ).

The authorities claimed that the higher structure fine amount was increased as of January 1st, 2022, to increase road safety and applies to those who violated another current cycling regulations. &nbsp,

This includes riding abreast of another rider along single-lane bridges or within vehicle lanes during vehicle street operating hours, riding on expressways, and failing to stop at red lights.

The Visitors Police and LTA added that they will continue to “take action against” accidental cyclists and” will never hesitate to do so.” &nbsp,