Online “scammed” to get more help

According to Digital Economy and Society ( DES ) Minister Prasert Jantararuangtong, the government will pass a special law to protect victims of technology crimes and expedite their recovery.

He claimed that a special law, which was approved at a recent conference of the commission charged with preventing and repressing technology-related crimes, is necessary to combat the practice of prevalent crimes.

The board discussed a number of issues, including why subjects had to wait until the instances were settled before being able to recover their money despite having previously frozen it.

Additionally, the meeting discussed the possibility of extending the one- to five-year jail sentences for purchasing and selling personal information, preventing illegal cash transfers using digital property, and implementing improvements to the exchange of information between organizations.

A committee on constitutional affairs, according to Mr. Prasert, was given the task of drafting a bill to address these issues and presenting it to the cupboard in 30 days.

Prasert: ' Need for fresh law '

Prasert: ‘ Need for fresh law ‘

Significant progress has been made in animal SIM card and bank records suppression. However, it is ineffective to confront the instigators and the culprits in Thailand and other countries.

There are legal challenges to tracing money and returning it to the victims, according to “we’ve found some legitimate obstacles.” We need a special rules to solve this, “he said.

Additionally, the DES Ministry kept up with the government ‘ efforts to stop net violence.

Between July 1 and July 31, there were 2, 306 detention related to internet crime, or a 7.5 % decrease from the typical first three months of the year. Online gambling-related arrests totaled 980, which is a 7.89 % decrease from the first three months ‘ normal.

208 arrests were made using animal SIM cards and horse transactions, which is a 13.33 % decrease from the average of the first three weeks.

In July this year alone, 16, 279 improper platforms were closed, a threefold increase from July of last year, when 2, 294 were shut down. Also, 6, 519 gaming sites were closed, compared to just 97 in July of last year.

As of July 31, 920, 694 suspected animal accounts and 71, 122 SIM cards found to have been used to produce more than 100 names per evening were suspended. Of those suspended, just 418 masters had verified their names.