PM Wong to deliver National Day Rally speech from 6.45pm on Aug 18

Mr. Wong addressed the issues he may address in the upcoming National Day Rally in his lady National Day Information last week about stabilizing the cost of living in Singapore and increasing support for people through the Forward Singapore program. &nbsp,

Mr Wong, who is also Finance Minister, noted that&nbsp, prices is a big concern&nbsp, for Singapore and many other places, and that rising rates affect the normal expenses of Singaporeans.

” We cannot handle world prices. However, by maintaining the strength of the Singapore penny, we can and have protected Singaporeans from the worst effects of global prices.

Mr Wong, who&nbsp, took office as Singapore’s third Prime Minister&nbsp, on May 15, furthermore said in his information the government may spend more to improve the country’s system of social aid.

A rapidly aging population may also require more medical services and social assistance, he said, making it harder for some to keep up with a fresh, dangerous, and rapidly changing environment.

” More of us will experience sandwiched, having to look after children as well as old kids”.

In the last two Costs, steps were taken to boost lower-wage workers, aid vulnerable families and raise pension suitability, he said.

” We’ve even taken steps to improve the care of our elders through activities like Healthier SG and Age Properly SG.”

The state intends to do more, said Mr Wong.