The Singapore nurse who volunteers as a community first responder during his free time

Mr. Loh’s spontaneous activity is unusual, but it’s not uncommon for him to do so.

He has responded to nearly 100 cases via the SCDF myResponder application since he began his career in 2016 by becoming a community second responder. On average, he treats one case per month. &nbsp,

Emergency notifications for listed community first responders, such as cardiac arrests and little fires, are provided via the application.

According to Mr. Loh’s action record in the SCDF app, he has responded to both medical and fire emergencies, with many of them occurring in the early morning.

He also has a compact external device on borrowing from SCDF in the best package of his motorcycle for when he needs to get going.

” I have my phone on all the time for work anyway, so when I hear an alert from the app, I’ll drop everything and go- even if it’s in the middle of the night and ( I’m ) sleeping”, said Mr Loh. &nbsp,

” It can be very, very relaxing and exhausting if there are already people responding to the situation, but it can be done alone.” I can act as an additional pair of hands. This encourages me to answer whenever I can.


One of the above 181 000 community first responders who has signed up for the program since it first started is Mr. Loh. &nbsp,

According to SCDF, these individuals have responded to more than 12, 000&nbsp, crises through the myResponder apps to time. These include 8, 000 heart arrests and&nbsp, 4, 000 small flames situations.

Eighty&nbsp, lives have been saved through&nbsp, respiratory arrest cases answered via the game.

Mr. Loh expressed his hope that more people would meet him as a group second officer by sharing his experience. &nbsp,

” For me, it was a way to offer back to the community and keep life”, he said. &nbsp,

When five additional individuals joined him in a situation he had previously handled earlier this year, Mr. Loh was surprised and cheered.

” I was the first one on scene… so I started doing CPR and then a minute or two later, the other community responders appeared one by one, so we were able to take turns ( so that we would n’t get too exhausted )”, he recalled.

The most enjoyable experience is seeing a physician walk out of the clinic and resume their normal life. It’s a very special moment that I do n’t know how to describe”.