Two NCOs get jail for abuse

The picture was posted on the Survive Facebook page on Saturday along with the mistreatment complaint. (Photo: Survive Facebook page)
Along with the issue about cruelty, the picture was posted on the Live Facebook webpage on Saturday. ( Photo: Survive Facebook page )

The two non-commissioned officers (NCOs ) who improperly punished several privates for breaking military regulations will spend 45 days imprisoned.

One of the testicles ‘ younger sister reported the incident to the Sai Mai Tong Rod Facebook website. The incident took place at the 25th Cavalry Battalion of the 4th Cavalry Regiment, King’s Guard, in Chiang Mai’s Fang area.

The troops were assaulted and given the order to remain bare for more than five hours in the rain.

The Royal Thai Army (RTA ) set up a commission to look into the situation in response to the report.

The committee informed the RTA that the incident took place on March 5. Two NCOs punished them for quietly leaving their station and engaging in intimate relationships with local civilians. On August 1, another incident occurred when two warriors were brutally beaten after refusing to give blood and drugs. The buttocks were eventually revealed to be clean.

It has been ruled that the Officers inflicted over-the-top sanctions and violated their leader’s directions regarding disciplinary actions. As abuse, they will be imprisoned in a military prison for 45 times and will not collect their pensions. Related incidents have been prevented by the RTA by making purchases.