Facing challenging conditions, routine is key for Singapore kitefoiler Max Maeder in Olympic medal bid

Toni Vodisek, who finished first overall with 12 online items, joins Maeder in the final. With 15, Meeder tied the line ‘ opener. &nbsp,

The next- to tenth kitefoilers may engage in two semi-finals on Thursday for the remaining areas, according to the official Olympic Games site. The success of each semi-final goes on.

” Light breezes make distinctions smaller. You have less energy in the fly, you have fewer choices, you have smaller profitability”, said Maeder, &nbsp, who has passed the time in between tribes playing games, listening to music and chatting.

Maeder said the fact that the competition has been “extremely high” and that the races in the opening series have been the toughest this year was a” good analysis” was.

” You expect with all that effort you put in that you have an above-average efficiency, but you have an average efficiency.

” That’s not ( just ) for me, but for everyone, at least from what I’ve heard and seen.”

” Specific FLAVOUR” OF Competitors

Competents in the last must win three races to claim the gold.

Vodisek just needs one more victory to win golden in the last, which is only required by him.

Maeder will have two more successes before going on to the last, while the winning semi-finalists will need three.

Depending on the benefits and conditions, there might be one to six tribes in the final.