Civil servants in Malaysia urged to enhance performance in line with upcoming pay hike

In line with the future pay raise in December, the Malaysian Congress of Union of Employees in the Public and Civil Services is urging Malaysian civil servants to constantly demonstrate a high level of responsibility and improve their job performance.

The government expects civil servants to demonstrate their ability to provide excellent service to the population, according to its president, Dr. Adnan Mat, who said he was optimistic about the new salary levels ‘ details, which will be announced next month.

The salary increase was announced on May 1 by Prime Minister ( Anwar Ibrahim ), according to the statement. Its implementation will take place in December. This implies that the government wants to see proactive contributions made by our ( civil servants ) prior to the pay increase.

Because they serve as the government’s eyes and ears, there should n’t be issues with integrity and others that can be raised by netizens ( the public ). A minor flaw can turn out to be a big deal, said Dr. Adnan after hosting an event at the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital Auditorium in Kuala Terengganu on Monday ( Aug 5 ).

But, Dr. Adnan maintained that civil servants have always shown complete commitment to their jobs, as evidenced by the important role they played as frontliners during the COVID-19 epidemic a few years back.

Following the government’s plan to implement a salary adjustment, public service deputy director-general ( operations ), Mohd Shaiful Ibrahim announced earlier that civil servants can check and determine their salary increases under the Public Service Remuneration System starting the following week.

He stated that Mr. Anwar may make an announcement regarding the wage adjustment process at an event on August 16th.

The highest wage increase in the country’s past, which will increase by more than 13 % starting this December, was announced by Mr. Anwar on May 1.

Local media reported on the civil servants ‘ pay for the last 12 years.

There are some 1.2 million civil workers in the country, 90 per cent of whom are Bumiputeras, according to a previous statement from Free Malaysia Now.