City of Paris awards Bangkok Pride

The Bangkok Pride team was receiving Prix international award from Jean-Luc Romero-Michel, Deputy Mayor of Paris (in white t-shirt with shorts). (Photo supplied)
The Bangkok Pride team was receiving Prix international award from Jean-Luc Romero-Michel, Deputy Mayor of Paris ( in white t-shirt with shorts ). ( Photo supplied )

France has recognized the Bangkok Pride relationship as a leader in Thailand’s fight for LGBTQ right.

The city of Paris chose” Bangkok Pride”, which organises the annual Pride March in Thailand, to be awarded the International Prize of the City of Paris under the” Prix International” group for its advocacy.

At the European embassy’s office in Bangkok on Monday, members of the association were honored.

Jean-Luc Romero-Michel, the lieutenant governor of Paris, presented the award to leaders of the organization in the presence of Remi Lambert, Chargé d’affaires of the French Embassy in Thailand.

He claimed during the meeting that he had met the lieutenant governor of Bangkok last year to discuss how the city may improve the protection of LGBTQ rights.

He said that during the visit, he met mebers of the Bangkok Pride crew, adding that he was” astonished” to learn about their force for LGBTQ rights in Thailand, including the Marriage Equality Bill.

” Although it is in the legislature, it is a function of the campaigners”, he said. ” If there is no advocate in the country, it is impossible to achieve equality”.

” I know it is difficult for every sector]to attain this ]”, he added. ” So, we decide to give this award to the]Bangkok Pride ] organisation”.

The” City of Paris Prize for the Rights of LGBTQIA People” and the international association of French-speaking mayors founded in 2018 are a reward for individuals and organizations who support the advancement of LGBTQ rights.

During the Paris City Hall International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia on May 17, each year, winners are announced.

There are three types: Prix National, the nomination for European individual/organisation, Prix Francophone, for those in European speaking places, and Prix International, for those in other places.