Possible Move Forward dissolution worries Thai senators

Thai senator Nantana Nantavaropas
Thai legislator Nantana Nantavaropas

A group of senators expressed concern about the major opposition’s possible breakdown, claiming that Thailand’s democracy may turn in the wrong direction.

Leading part of the so-called New Breed party, Sen Nantana Nantavaropas, stated on Monday that issue exists both within the global community and among the Thai public.

Their disagreement, according to Ms. Nantana, is that a public agency may not be able to dissolve a political group and influence the political landscape of the nation.

She urged other senators who supported her party to sign petitions in support of the proposal and said the lower chamber should make a statement on the subject.

The Senate does not help allowing a public company to control the government’s politics or dissolve a party with popular support, according to the statement.

In a democratic system, political parties should n’t be required to be disbanded, according to Sen.

However, Rachada Dhnadirek, a Democrat member, warned diplomats from 18 nations that their remarks about the MFP disintegration case might be seen as interference with the nation’s judicial system. She claimed that the MFP’s claim to innocence was supported by scientific and legal evidence.

According to Rachada Dhnadirek, former deputy vice chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, the ambassadors ‘ remarks regarding the possibility of the party being disbanded did not adhere to the law. Thailand not acted in a way that would disregard its legal system. &nbsp,

She added that the foreign government should take steps to safeguard the region’s judicial system.

Rachada Dhnadirek

Rachada Dhnadirek