Seven visa overstayers arrested in Phuket

Three men are among seven foreigners arrested for overstaying their visas during a crackdown operation in Phuket. (Photo: Phuket immigration office)
Three men are among seven foreigners arrested for overstaying their visas during a crackdown operation in Phuket. (Photo: Phuket immigration office)

PHUKET – Seven foreign nationals have been arrested for overstaying their visas during a crackdown on foreigners staying illegally on this resort island.

Immigration officers conducted random visa inspections at locations where foreigners suspected of visa infractions were known to stay, as part of the 10-day crackdown operation that started on July 23.

The officers arrested seven foreign men: one Pakistani, two Egyptians, three Nigerians and one Myanmar national. Five of them were found to have overstayed their visas by 46 to 213 days. A Nigerian man had overstayed by 20 months and a Pakistani by 3 years and 9 months. All were handed over to local police for legal action.

The fine for a visa overstay is 500 baht per day to a maximum of 20,000 baht. An overstay exceeding 90 days will also result in the person being banned from the country for one year or more, depending on the length of the overstay and whether the person cooperates with authorities.