Park honouring late king promises to be breath of fresh air

Thailand is anticipating the implementation of a public garden in honor of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great, which is anticipated to turn into a significant new location in Bangkok.

The money will have a much-needed “green heart” where people from far and near you unwind from the hurry and bustle of the city and get in touch with nature thanks to thousands of new trees, which were designed as a forest area covering 279 ray in the Dusit area.

Customers will have the opportunity to learn about King Rama IX and Her Majesty Queen Sirikit the Queen Mother’s efforts to jungle and water asset management.

King Rama IX continued to be a constant occurrence in the life of Thai citizens throughout his 70-year rule with his unwavering commitment to improving the nation on their behalf.

The area will serve as a reminder of the unbreakable bond between the individuals and the king even though it has been about eight decades since his departure on October 13, 2016.

According to observers, the garden will be a welcome contrast to Bangkok’s natural environment along with Lumpini Park in Pathumwan area and Benjakitti Park in Klong Toey area.

The framework

A virtual pattern for the open garden was unveiled by the Bureau of the Royal Household in November 2021, which is anticipated to be finished by the end of 2024.

According to the ministry, Their Excellency the King and Queen intend the area to be both a memorial to His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great and Her Majesty the Queen Mother and a tool for those interested in learning about their significant contributions to the management of forests and rivers.

The sculpture of King Rama IX surrounded by a river, constructed in the shape of the Thai numerical nine, was the object’s primary design theme, which was unveiled in 2018.

Guests to the statue may be led to a bridge in the shape of the Thai numerical nine, while another named Yod Nam Phra Thai Bridge did represent King Rama IX’s kindness toward his devoted subjects.

In order to honor the late queen’s visit to the area to satisfy local villagers, a copy of the wooden gate at Ban Cho Bakong town in Sungai Kolok area of Narathiwat will also be constructed.

The resort’s design, according to the bureau, reflects King Rama IX’s proclamations for green water management, which led to initiatives like the construction of pipe to control water flow, Chaipattana aerators to improve river ecosystem health, and New Theory Agriculture.

According to the late king’s plans to prevent flooding in the capital, the park’s inner region has been created into a water catchment known as a kaem ling ( monkey cheek ).

More than 4, 500 trees will been planted, and there will be built areas, bike lanes, an exterior gymnasium, restaurants, car parks and emergency call points alongside several different facilities, according to the bureau.

Their Majesties the King and Queen laid the foundation rock for the main memorial on the site of the new playground on December 5, 2021, marking King Rama IX’s holiday.

The garden, which is set on a donated plot of land that covers 279 ray, highlights the significance His Majesty places on the general well-being of the public.

In 2020, the queen even gave royal property title deeds to a number of educational institutions and state agencies in addition to the land for the park.

Delighting the persons

Residents of the Suppamit 1 area near the Nang Loeng market, including Kitti Wongthongdee, were first informed that the Nang Loeng Racecourse may be converted into a sizable public park in honor of King Rama IX.

” We are anticipating the park’s entry. I looked up information on the internet and discovered that there would be a forest area with lots of trees to provide color and cool the air. There will also be places for training and relaxation”, he said.

The most significant of all the memories of projects spearheaded by King Rama IX and Her Majesty Queen Sirikit the Queen Mother will be in the area, according to Mr. Kitti, adding that the area is excited that the fresh garden will be within a stone’s throw of the city.

Nearby residents can reduce their travel expenses when visiting the park. However, “people from other parts of the country should at least once in their lives visit the park,” he said.

The park will provide a green space for families to gather and enjoy themselves in relaxed, natural surroundings as an alternative to the shopping malls frequented by people in the capital, he said.

Aphichit Suwankruea, 62, who lives in Wat Sunthornthammathan community not far from the park, said that senior citizens who live nearby will be able to visit the park unaccompanied.

Families should n’t be concerned about their senior members because a security system will exist to protect them, he said.

He said,” They can go to the park, take themselves in the natural environment, and look at the remnants of King Rama IX.”

A new key landmark

Mr. Aphichit predicted that the park will entice a lot of Thai and foreign tourists, particularly given that it is close to several other significant historical sites.

Visitors can visit the park, Wat Phra Kaew, and Sanam Luang for sightseeing, according to the website. He added that the nearby Nang Loeng market also provides them with a wide selection of delicious food.

Sakulrat Tongthongkham, a 51-year-old office worker on Silom Road, said that as people become more health conscious and want to live in a healthy environment, the new park will answer their needs.

Residents of Bangkok can get more exposure to nature there, she said, stepping away from the stresses of daily life and the urban environment. A visit to the park will leave them feeling relaxed and rejuvenated, she said.

” His Majesty the King is thoughtful about donating this land for the sake of people’s well-being”, she said, welcoming the project to turn the racecourse into a new public park, which will be a boon for everyone.

The Nang Loeng Racecourse, which opened on December 18, 1916, continued to hold competitions on Sundays until the Crown Property Bureau revoked its land lease in 2018. The final race took place on Sept 16, 2018.