China’s third plenum holds out hope for debt-hit local governments with funding reform

The third plenum’s decision document, which lists a wide range of transformation goals that must be met by 2029 and includes more than 300 policy measures, promises that the main expenditure will reduce the amount of localities ‘ group of spending responsibilities.

” The document seems to indicate an important fiscal reform ( is ) coming”, said Zhiwei Zhang, president and chief economist at Pinpoint Asset Management.

In a word he wrote on Sunday, he wrote that” I think the goal is to help local governments make their fiscal positions lasting by adding more income sources and shifting some costs to the main government.”

Zhang anticipates that the local government tie program will have a more positive impact as the regulations will be relaxed to allow for greater use of the funds.

He said that the second duct did not change the president’s policy objectives, but it introduced innovative measures to obtain such objectives

Taxation and central-local marriage reforms have long been regarded as the most difficult and essential components of a genuine reform of China’s financial system since Beijing began marketplace changes more than four decades ago.

In the 1980s, China set up a de facto tax obtaining system, with large profit retention rates for regional governments. But, that weakened the central government ‘ fiscal power, making some reforms difficult to implement.

The tax-sharing transformation in 1994, launched by then-premier Zhu Rongji, eased the main government’s income deficit but was blamed for leading to problems such as increased responsibilities on local institutions.

Regional institutions then used land use rights auctions to raise more money, which helped to fuel the real estate bubble.