Commentary: Ambani’s US$600 million wedding is just business as usual


Ambani may be taking a determined threat with his political acumen. The top priority is to maintain the 43 % increase in Reliance Industries ‘ stock for the past eight weeks. That calls for some courage and excitement, to obtain an advantage&nbsp, against his main competitor.

Adani, 62, &nbsp, has put next year’s crippling short-seller harm behind him. He’s doubtful to&nbsp, remain confined to infrastructure&nbsp, like ships, airports, information centres and building supplies. Adani wants one in three Indians to get on&nbsp, his&nbsp, budding super-app by the end of the decade. How will he ever get them without competing with Ambani in a big consumer-facing business &nbsp, like telecoms or payment?

It is this canal that Ambani must&nbsp, protect. &nbsp, After agreeing to combine his media operations with&nbsp, Walt Disney’s Television franchise&nbsp, in India, he has a switch on Bollywood and baseball, the two offerings&nbsp, that consistently get eyeballs in the nation’s most-populous country.

Important managers are being hired by a new consumer finance and obligations system, which was created from the mothership next year. Ambani may find itself in an unassailable position as a result of a common fly for the online platform, which could be launched as early as next season, followed by one for India’s top retail chain. &nbsp, A protected kingdom may be properly entrusted to the next generation. &nbsp,

Now is not the day to stay low, but to convey confidence.

Morgan Stanley’s Michael Grimes, &nbsp, who helped Reliance&nbsp, increase more than US$ 20 billion &nbsp, from Zuckerberg and other investors during the pandemic, was on the host list. He should be a joyful tech lender. His agency’s researchers expect&nbsp, the company to&nbsp, include US$ 100 billion to its US$ 260 billion market value.

And why not? More than 1 billion Indians&nbsp, are looking for an exit from staggering youth unemployment, lacklustre pay, and resolutely high&nbsp, prices. Ambani will provide all the distractions they require on their phones and bandwidth TV as long as they pay for the information, and, besides that, they can even include snippets from a US$ 600 million marriage. &nbsp,