Ex-official arrested for illegal land deeds

Two weeks before the statute of limitations in case expired, an arrest was made.

Ex-official arrested for illegal land deeds
Mr. Arun, a former Nakhon Ratchasima municipal area adjudication center director, is being detained by police on Thursday at a home in Nakhon Ratchasima. ( Photo: Public Sector Anti- Corruption Commission )

A past director of a company that handled area surveys and land documents was detained on Thursday in Nakhon Ratchasima for violating the law by issuing title deeds for thousands of rai of open land.

At a home in Nakhon Ratchasima, officials from the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission ( PACC ) and Anti-Corruption Division (ACD ) police apprehended Mr. Arun, who was wanted on an arrest warrant for malfeasance in violation of Section 157 of the Criminal Code.

The arresting group claimed that the Criminal Court had issued the permit for corruption and misconduct cases. The title of the believe was never provided.

Previous Nakhon Ratchasima municipal land adjudication center director Mr. Arun, 70, was reportedly involved in fraudulently issuing title deeds for open land to business operators. The property included over 2, 000 ray in Khao Yai of Pak Chong area and financial areas&nbsp, in some regions. &nbsp,

The believe had evaded imprisonment for several years and was only discovered two weeks before the case’s statute of limitations, according to Pol Lt Col Siripong Sritula, place 2 producer of the PACC.

He claimed that Mr. Arun was one of the four defendants in the case. Police were looking for the remaining defendants.

Mr Arun, in a golden clothing, is taken to a police vehicle in Nakhon Ratchasima on Thursday. &nbsp, ( Photo: Public Sector Anti- Corruption Commission )