Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts twice in a day

Indonesia's Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts twice in a day
Indonesia's Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts twice in a day

JAKARTA: Mount Lewotobi Laki- Laki in Eastern Indonesia erupted half on Saturday ( Jun 29 ), geological officials said, sending thick, dark sky into the air.

According to a declaration from the Indonesian geological company, the first explosion occurred at 11.04 am local time and lasted for nearly 11 minutes.

The following was at 2.41pm and lasted a little over 10 days, spewing geological material 900 feet above the volcano.

Residents and visitors to Mount Lewotobi Laki Laki are prohibited from engaging in any exercise more than three kilometers away from the eruption’s center, according to the organization.

The mountain, which is situated on Flores island’s well-known holiday destination, experienced some big explosions in January, prompting authorities to raise the sensitive standing to the highest level and evict at least 2, 000 people.

The mountain is currently in its second-highest state of notice.

Indonesia, a large archipelago state, experiences frequent explosions due to its location on the Pacific” Ring of Fire”, an area of intense geological and seismic activity.

In December last year, an explosion at one of the region’s most effective mountains, Mount Marapi in West Sumatra, killed at least 24 climbing, most of them college students.

Additionally, in May, more than 60 people died as a result of heavy rains dumping geological waste into residential areas and eradicating homes.