NTUC gets government grant to run 3 migrant worker recreation centres

In running the Migrant Workers ‘ Centre Recreation Club on Soon Lee Road in Jurong, MOM claimed that NTUC has” strong operational experience” and a good understanding of migrant workers ‘ needs.

Operating three more entertainment centers, according to Mr. Michael Lim, chairman of NTUC’s Migrant Workers Segment, will allow the organization to expand its actions.

” For example, if we were to hire designers to accomplish in one RC, there is definitely a chance for us to expand these performances and all, for the good of the workers in the other three RCs as well,” he said.

Existing lease agreements between the centers ‘ residents and MOM may be terminated when NTUC transitions operations to Tuas South RC, Terusan RC, and Penjuru RC. They will also mark new contracts with NTUC.

Mr. Lim stated that NTUC did collaborate with residents to keep prices reasonable. He added that the company makes an effort to comprehend the demands of its employees.

” Next Sunday, we… truly launched a new gym at Quickly Lee Recreation Centre– that came about from input from employees, and we hope to continue to do more in that area”, he said.

Working in Bangladesh and India are familiar with cooking spices, according to Mr. Lim’s statement. Shops at Soon Lee RC also sell them.

He continued,” It’s quite difficult for them to get it through your typical supermarkets and retail,” noting that Little India might be too far for the workers to travel.

He stated that it will start operating in August to meet similar demands for the recreation centers.

Additionally, NTUC stated that it will organize training and professional development for employees, engage in initiatives sponsored by NGOs, corporate sponsors, and government organizations, and advocate for the welfare and interests of employees.


The government will provide financial assistance to NTUC in operating the recreation centers, according to MOM.

In a press release, the ministry stated that MOM will grant a grant to NTUC to help support the operations of the three RCs in order to make them attractive to migrant workers who have lower spending power.

To be eligible for the grant, NTUC must have the necessary governance controls, financial and procurement procedures, and meet its annual visitorship goals.

When questioned about the visitorship targets, Mr. Tung said they would be higher than those set by COVID-19 but declined to provide specifics. He continued,” Visitorship is almost back to pre-pandemic levels” in some centers, but that is not the case at all of them.”

According to NTUC, the recreation center it runs on Soon Lee Road receives 120, 000 visits per month on average, which is on par with pre-pandemic figures.

When asked how to encourage workers to visit RCs, NTUC’s Mr. Lim responded that proximity is just one factor.

” If a RC has no attractive, relevant offerings and services, even if the dormitory is located nearby, it does n’t make sense for a person to want to go there”, he said.

” Our focus is really more on how we can understand our community,” we say. How do we incorporate their suggestions and introduce offerings that this group has demanded? That, in a way, would help generate the visitorship that we’re trying to achieve”.