Complaints “won”t derail Senate race”

Over 300 situations set to become probed

Complaints 'won't derail Senate race'
On June 16 at the Centara Life Government Complex Hotel &amp, Convention Center, statewide candidates in Bangkok cast ballots. ( Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)

The result of the Senate election will be announced as planned, although the Election Commission (EC ) has received more than 300 issues, including 39 scam- related cases to check.

EC secretary- public Sawang Boonmee said there are 333 problems, 90 of which involve fraud, and it will take some time to research them.

Individuals with dubious origins are frequently asked to join professional organizations for which they were never available in the majority of complaints.

He said the EC had instructed election officials, including officers, to track actions that could be regarded as election fraud before yesterday’s last round of voting.

Lawmakers or political parties allegedly support congressional candidates in any way against the law, according to the EC secretary-general.

He acknowledged, however, that political parties have tried to obstruct the Senate election because their passions are in line with those of the individuals.

He claimed that individuals could file petitions with the judge after the vote and opposition during the election process. Nevertheless, he asked them not to destroy or shop the Senate surveys.

He argued that” the election officials must strictly adhere to the rules and deadlines to prevent legal problems that could result in the outcome.”

In addition, a cause close to the EC reported that the committee has identified four potential irregularities ahead of the voting on Tuesday, when 3, 000 candidates will vie for the 200 lower chamber seats.

Candidates who want to sell their vote in exchange for a six-figure sum of money or a place on the new lawmaker’s team make the initial offer.

Political organizations make second-guessing individuals ‘ attempts to join their networks.

The second involves outside events booking hotel rooms for the applicants so they can fulfill before the election day to check how many people have voted. This team intends to sell their vote for a seven-digit sum.

The final one involves social politicians who approach candidates to ask them to join the organizations they support in order to win seats.

” These incidents have occurred in a number of different locations, particularly in the North,” he added. Researchers are collecting evidence of probable wrongdoing”, said the options.

Political parties affiliated with the government and opposition tents are running for control of the Senate, according to custodian senator Somchai Swangkarn, who posted the news on Facebook on Monday.

He claimed that political parties want to control the Senate so they can influence their democratic plan, which includes passing important legislation like the amnesty for political offenders and the ruling amendment.