Technology to mitigate dangers of air turbulence? There’s a possible solution

Experts advise staying small and holding onto an seat or anything close, according to Talking Point host Shrey Bhargava, if they happen to stretch their legs during a lengthy flight and unintended turbulence strikes.

” If you happen to be in the restroom, and the seat belt mark is switched on, hang onto the covers provided for situations”, he added.

There are also manages in the kitchen, where cabin staff prepare the meals. However, customers should be cautious with the service wagons because they could be harmful during turbulence.

The seats in the middle “may be a little less volatile because they’re closer to the aircraft’s center of gravity,” according to the report.

” But ultimately, seat selection should n’t have that much of an impact”, said Bhargava. Even when the seat belt signal is off, “what’s more important is to always stay our seat belts fastened”

See the Talking Point episode right here. The project premieres on Channel 5 every Thursday at 9: 30 p. m.