NEWater Visitor Centre to close on Jul 31

SINGAPORE: After more than two years, the NEWater Visitor Centre may begin operations at the end of July.

National water agency PUB announced in a media release on Monday ( Jun 24 ) that the visitor center in Bedok would shut down on July 31.

The visitor center has provided free access to interactive exhibits, tours, exhibits, and workshops to promote water conservation since it first opened in 2003. &nbsp,

The Bedok NEWater Factory ( BNF), which is close to the visitor center on the same day as it ends its “operational lifespan,” will close, according to PUB. Launched in 2003, it is Singapore’s oldest NEWater generation grow.

There are now five NEWater companies- Bedok, Kranji, Ulu Pandan, and two at Changi.

A second Bedok factory at Changi Water Reclamation Plant may take its place, according to PUB, which will have a more than doubled Bedok plant’s manufacturing capacity. &nbsp,

PUB stated that it would “look into employing different sites and approving our partners to build the next iteration of NEWater education” after the visitor center’s closure.

” However, Singaporeans you visit the Marina Barrage’s Green Singapore Gallery to learn more about NEWater and the Four National Taps”, it said.

PUB key executive&nbsp, Ong Tze- Ch’in said:” NEWater symbolises Singapore’s nature of technology in leapfrogging our healthy boundaries. Singaporeans from Singapore have traveled to the NEWater Visitor Centre for more than 20 years to learn about the endless reuse of applied liquid, which helps us get rid of our lack of natural ocean resources. PUB may look into new avenues to educate students about our NEWATER account now that it has ended.