Piyabutr predicts court will reject dissolution case

Piyabutr predicts court will reject dissolution case
Piyabutr: ‘ EC failed to give basis ‘

The Progressive Movement ( PM), a major political ally of the main opposition’s Move Forward Party ( MFP), gave arguments on Monday that the Constitutional Court would dismiss the MFP’s dissolution case.

The grounds were furnished by Piyabutr Saengkanokkul, PM director- common, on his Instagram account on Monday. His statement came on the day before the party’s disintegration trial, which will start on Tuesday.

Mr. Piyabutr accused the EC of breaking Section 93 of the natural law governing political parties, which specifies the precise legal procedure that the EC must adhere to as the law’s enforcement body.

The loss will therefore see the plea deemed illegal, according to Mr Piyabutr, a previous connect professor with the Faculty of Law at Thammasat University.

The EC, which petitioned the Constitutional Court to dissolve the MFP, has never fully informed the group of the dissolution’s justification and failed to permit the MFP to assert its case against the allegations, according to Mr. Piyabutr.

Following the judge’s earlier decision on January 31 that the MFP’s attempt to alter Area 112 of the Criminal Code or the der majeste law indicated an attempt to undermine the constitutional monarchy, the EC requested that the court order the MFP to dissolve it.

The MFP would have had the opportunity to challenge the plea during the EC’s fact-finding investigation had the EC completely carried out its work under Part 93, he claimed.

The EC defended its actions in the case last year, but the MFP claims that they did not do so properly.

Social activist Ruangkrai Leekitwattana announced on Monday that he planned to appeal the court to investigate allegations that MFP key assistant Pita Limjaroenrat tried to stifle the situation by spreading false information.

Mr. Pita’s people handle on June 9 about the 70-page written defense that the MFP had previously submitted to the jury made up Mr. Ruangkrai’s mind.