Commentary: Are Singapore children overscheduled during school holidays?


Planned activities typically concentrate on the desired result. They typically have a instructional feel, leaving little room for the child to express their opinions and make decisions. Researchers from the University of Colorado reported that the kids in their study who were 6 to 7 years old spent more time engaging in organized activities had lower self-direction and professional works.

The ability to plan, accomplish goals, and practice self-regulation and adaptable thinking are essential for professional functions, which include the ability to do so. Unfortunately, these are the skills that parents hope their children may obtain when they sign them up for organised activities.

Parents may answer” But my baby enjoys these actions”. Do they really? Any new knowledge can be fascinating in its first day or so, but would they rather run around in the field, dust, build a large building, or play silly games with their parents than go to class for days on end?

There is much to be said for the advantages of disorganized, free play with no “purpose”. In his seminal work, The Playful Brain, Dr Sergio Pellis stocks his research that the nerve connections at the prefrontal cortex, the body’s professional command center, changes during enjoy.

For good mental creation, he recommends kids play on their own terms, with laws they create and negotiate, tips they can check, and mistakes they may reflect on and learn from. Children should play not for any outcome or goal, but for the joy of being and discovering themselves.