Rare twin elephants born in Thailand ‘miracle’

A unique pair of twins were born to an Eastern elephant in key Thailand, which the caretakers have described as miracles.

The family, 36- year- ancient Chamchuri, was never expected to deliver twins and when she gave birth to a female calf next Friday, staff at the Ayutthaya Elephant Palace and Royal Kraal, had thought the delivery was done.

However, they heard a loud thud as they helped to clean up the second baby and get it to stand on its ft. They realized Chamchuri had given birth to a female leg.

Caretakers had to control the mother to stop her from touching the female calf because of the following birth. In the fight, one caregiver suffered injuries.

A group of caregivers, known locally as animals, desperately separating the female leg from the mother, with heart still visible on the woman’s hind legs, was captured in spectacular images on social media.

Twins occur in just one percent of elephant birth and female- sexual are even more unique, according to Save the Elephants, a research company.

” When we pulled the next baby rhinoceros out, away from the mother, the child stood up. It was a miracle, veterinary Lardthongtare Meepan told the BBC,” and we were all applauding.”

Ms Meepan, who was born at the elephant park and is herself a mother of twins, said,” We’ve always wanted to see elephant twins, but not everyone can see this because it does n’t happen a lot.”

Charin Somwang, a 31- year- ancient parser, broke his foot while restraining the mom.

” I was so happy, I could n’t feel the pain”, he told the BBC, adding he felt the extent of the injuries only when he was brought to the hospital.

It’s typical for a new mother to always try to push or kick the baby. Mr. Somwang, who has worked in the park for 15 years, put his fear that she might break the baby elephant in his statement.” I put myself forward and tried to block the mother from the smaller one.

Elephants are considered sacred in Thailand, where a majority of the population is Buddhist. They are also a national symbol.

The twins have been featured in live streams on social media since their birth at the Ayutthaya Elephant Palace and Royal Kraal.

Park visitors, including children, are also allowed to see the twins, but only after disinfecting their footwear and their hands.

A sign near the nursery reads:” Please do n’t touch the elephant babies”.

They will be given their names seven days after giving birth, per Thai custom.

The female calf, who weighs 55 kg ( 121 lb ), is slightly smaller than usual and must urinate when she is fed by her mother. At 60 kg, her brother weighs in.

The park claims that the elephants were saved from street begging. In 1989, Thailand banned logging in natural forests, leaving mahouts who worked in that industry jobless.

In exchange for money, they were forced to hire elephants to perform tricks on tourists. Although there are still a few instances of this occurring, it was outlawed in 2010 to protect against this practice.

In Ayutthaya, Thailand’s former capital, some elephants carry tourists on their backs to temples and historic ruins.

Elephant riding is opposed by conservationists because it causes stress and abuse to the animals.

According to a previous report from the World Animal Protection ( WAP ), harsh tactics are employed to accomodate a wild elephant with a human on its back. The procedure begins right away after it is captured. It is often referred to as “breaking- in” or” crush”.

Elephants have also become tourist draws in Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai in the north, where visitors can feed them with bananas, walk with them with mud, and bathe them with mud.

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Asian elephant is an endangered species because of poaching, illegal trade, and habitat loss.

More elephants are used for tourism in Thailand- over 3, 000- than anywhere else. Compared to other nations with captive populations, Thailand’s are almost entirely privately held.

Compared to their African counterparts, Asian elephants have smaller ears round and hunched backs.

Meanwhile, visitors continue to flock to the park in Ayutthaya to see the twin babies, as they await their names.

As they roll their trunks on their mother’s leg, they walk in a small pen covered in hay.

” I am always happy when I see elephant gives birth”, said Mr Somwang, their mahout who is recovering from injury.

” It does n’t need to be twins. Elephant babies always bring joy”, he said.