SP Setia partnered with startups as it revamped its smart community app

  • Kiddocare &amp, SOLS Energy, and six business associates added services to Setia Come.
  • newest instance of developers embracing business creativity through partnerships

(From left): Choong Kai Wai, president and CEO of SP Setia; Ignatius Ho, director, JaGaSolution; Alex Chi, CTO, SP Setia and Derrick Loi, GM of International Business, Ant Group.

A wise group app called Setia Go, developed by SP Setia Bhd, was updated to reflect both the existing homebuyer knowledge and property management as well as provide bright community services within its existing townships. in addition to fostering innovation and giving nearby startups more support.

The app that was introduced in Mar 2020 uses a mobile platform as a service ( mPaaS ) from Ant Digital Technologies. A type of service called mPaaS enables users to approach, reserve, and pay for a number of different types of mobility services using a single platform.

Taking a distinct view this time, instead of building it only, SP Setia engaged with six businesses, all playing in certain places within the home buyer’s trip.

Setia Go, according to Choong Kai Wai, president and CEO of Setia, “exemplifies our commitment and collaboration with the National Technology Innovation Sandbox (NTIS ) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation ( MOSTI ) in our need to promote new technologies and services across our platform.”

However, one of Setia’s key partners is JaGaSolution, a property management software solutions service. Our main belief, which combines excellent customer service and cutting-edge technology, aligns with Setia’s, and we are excited about innovating the owners ‘ experience with Setia Go, according to Ginatius Ho, its chairman.

Bikesh Lakhmichand, CEO of 1337 Ventures, stated at a business development panel that “you’re using genuine partnerships because you’re allowing them into your platform with your brand and liability, that shows how severe business innovation is, because innovation is crucial in not just trying to grow, but it’s for your survival as well.”

Setia collaborated with StartupX, a consulting firm for technology that assists businesses and governments in improving their relationship with startups. Startups had the opportunity to check their offerings for Setia’s clients by being in the playground. &nbsp,

Setia introduced its first cohort of six startups from its StartupX collaboration- Kiddocare ( on- demand childcare platform ), SOLS Energy ( home solar programme ), Oyen Insurance ( pet insurance ), Handibee ( home warranty programme ), BlueDuck (zero- rental management ), and GrabMaid ( on- demand maid service ).


Problems of building Setia’s wise community&nbsp,

Four founders who had previously worked for Setia’s Smart Community Development panels were also present for a second panel at the launch. The participants were Mohamed Shakir, CEO and founder of Handibee, Earnest Wong, CEO and founder of BlueDuck, Chai W. D, i- founder of GrabMaid, and Stephen Lim, inc- chairman of HyperQB.

One problem faced Earnest was to spread a clear text and shift attitudes by switching tenants and landlords to BlueDuck’s Zero Deposit Program. The past can rent out their homes or offices without having to deposit a large cash deposit upfront; however, landlords can profit from a faster occupancy rate because they only need to pay for injuries or paid lease when moving out.

” If a client were to run away and damage the house, we’ll take the hit and pay on their behalf”, he said.

As for Stephen, working with programmers like Setia required him to adjust his timeframe.

The industry was n’t ready in 2018, 2019, from the perspective of the customer, and there were too many apps for customers to get, so we looked at how to begin really small and then develop a robust customer experience in mind, Stephen said.

Shakir’s key challenge was educating the market on HandiBee’s value, which is a home warranty contract covering, repairing or replacement costs of appliances and systems which break down. &nbsp,

As we ensure the house stays in good condition forever, we educate homeowners and developers along with how we can add value to developers and how we can bring quality technicians.

Additionally, he also wants Handibee to have similar warranty plans that car brands offer customers.

With AI on everyone’s mind, especially the impact it will have on their business, Chai said,” AI cannot replace humans completely, for example I do n’t think that the AI/robot can 100 % clean up the yellow stains in toilet bowls, so there’s still a need for someone to manage and conduct the house cleaning services”.

State of corporate innovation in Malaysia

In addition to Bikesh, the corporate innovation panel featured Joe Hock Thor, managing director of Blaze Property, and Angel Low, general manager of Al Nusantara ( a joint venture between Hive SEA and Selangor Information Technology &amp, Digital Economy Corporation ( SIDEC ), as panelists.

They all agreed that the startup and corporate innovation ecosystem is improving, despite the fact that it is currently in decline. &nbsp,

Angel noticed that the KL20 Summit, which took place in April, was a sign.

” It’s a good event where you can see all the different government agencies trying to bring all the different parties together really building a startup and technology ecosystem, along with foreign VCs we saw during the launch which brought a brief limelight into Malaysia,” she said.

Hive maintains a co-creation model that allows businesses to look into startups and portfolios that might benefit the ecosystem.

” If the startup does n’t exist in the market, we can build it for you ( corporates ) on the condition that you will be one of the first clients for that venture- built company, for example, our cooperation is currently with the Selangor State Government to train AI talent”, she said.

Working with corporates and gaining experience in&nbsp, Joe said that the corporate innovation ecosystem is almost like a lottery and waiting game. &nbsp,

He claimed that because working with corporations takes time, he was explaining this. And, the larger the corporation, the longer it will take. It might not be because startups are n’t willing to work with them, but rather because of how small and structured they are, making it necessary for more quickly and tangible outcomes.

It’s frequently helpful to consider how you can clearly and quickly deliver, he advised. Starting with small quick wins is helpful; you do n’t need to change the world on the first try.

” What’s key is always to make sure you are providing sufficient value not just be somebody who’s providing value for the customer, but you’re also providing value for corporate innovation”, he added.

In terms of property development, Bikesh claimed a 2015 chart from McKinsey listed the priorities of those interested in digital transformation. One of the entities at the very bottom were construction ( property ) developers. &nbsp,

He also noted that property developers are now more open to working with startups, which has changed.

Convince the board is a challenge in corporate innovation, which is good news for startups, but this is also a good thing.

” Most corporations say,’ I need to disrupt’ but the problem is that when the idea becomes too big, it’s hard for them to get it off the ground let alone show results, and it just ends up being abandoned”, he said.

Therefore, it is the simplest thing for corporations to do is work with startups on short, quick-term projects they want to see first before moving on to bigger bets.

” For example, do n’t go building a new app but leverage a startup that has the solution and extend it to their ( corporate ) customers”, he suggested.

A successful outcome will undoubtedly encourage more of its property developer peers to look at the same path now that SP Setia has begun its corporate innovation journey partnering with startups. That can only be good for the startup ecosystem.