Man snatched phone from ex-girlfriend after seeing her with another man, gets fine

Even though they had split up, a gentleman went to his ex-girlfriend’s work hoping to see her.

But, when he saw the woman with the other man, he became angry and angry, and he cursed at her before taking her handphone to verify it.

Kalidasan Panneer Selvam, a 31- year- old Singaporean, was fined S$ 800 ( US$ 593 ) by a district court on Thursday ( Jun 13 ) for one count of using criminal force on his ex- girlfriend.

Unauthorized access to her mobile device’s photo albums and mumble logs was considered, as was a minute charge.

The jury heard that Kalidasan, a cord engineer, was in a relationship with the victim, 38, until they broke up in May 2022.

On Jun 6, 2022, he rode his bicycle to the person’s office in the hopes of meeting her.

He rather saw his ex- girl getting into a vehicle driven by a 36- yr- aged man, who was her friend.

Kalidasan knocked on the window of the car, and his ex-girlfriend sat down. Then he inquired about the other guy with her.

When told he was a companion, Kalidasan got upset and angry, and began shouting at her, calling her several insults and spitting on the floor.

He grabbed the victim’s phone and fled to a local building to read her communications and examine her photos to see if she was dating the other guy.

A few minutes afterwards, Kalidasan came back and yelled at her incessantly. The person requested her phone again, and the set started to argue about the device.

But, Kalidasan chose to bring the phone house with him instead.

The person’s colleague called the police to report that a man was allegedly harrassing a woman and laying hands on her.

Later that night, Kalidasan returned the unharmed phone via his ex- friend’s companion, after an inspection officer called him and asked that he do thus.

The attorney left the amount to the court after asking for a good. A good of S$ 800 was suggested by the defense.

Given that he had pleaded guilty and that this was his second offense, the judge agreed with the trial that a good would be ideal.

For using legal power, Kalidasan could have been fined up S$ 1, 500, jailed up to three months, or both.