According to some political observers, the prosecutor president’s decision to prosecute former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra on der guess charges stems from Thaksin’s failure to pride a deal with the influential ancient power groups that also dominate Thai politics.
The accusation serves as a caution against the traditional establishment, according to Stithorn Thananithichot, chairman of King Prajadhipok’s Institute’s Office of Innovation for Democracy.
Thaksin has long been regarded as the de facto leader of the decision Pheu Thai Party, which created a coalition government under the leadership of his youngest child, Paetongtarn.
The conservatives may remain unsatisfied with Thaksin’s growing influence in politics after his return to Thailand, even though he does not hold any formal government positions, according to Mr. Stithorn.
The Lese Majoreste event serves as Thaksin’s last caution not to go against the grain. The package must be honoured. The collection- up of the fresh government and the election of the new Senate are even included]in the energy- sharing deal ]”, he said.
” The deal had advantage all factors. The ancient energy organizations must also be included”, Mr Stithorn said.
They worry that Thaksin does exercise too much energy. Therefore, they must do something to dissuade him,” said Mr. Stithorn. However, he added that Thaksin is likely to be letting go, if not punished.
” They do n’t want to get rid of him. They simply require assurance that the agreement may be honored.
Surachart Bamrungsuk, a social scientist at Chulalongkorn University, concurred that the collapse of the package between Thaksin and the ancient power parties led to the accusation against him.
” Thaksin’s increasing role in politics has led to problems. It’s still to be seen whether he will have to develop down his position or whether the talks will need to be renewed, according to Mr. Surachart.
But, Thanaporn Sriyakul, the director of the Political and Public Policy Analysis Institute, stated to the Bangkok Post that he did not believe the Thaksin prosecution had anything to do with a” fell deal.”
According to Mr. Thanaporn, the solicitor common deserves praise for carrying out his legal responsibilities in prosecuting Thaksin.
He added that it is still to be seen whether Thaksin may get released on bail when he shows up in court on June 18.
Recently, many lese qualifications suspects were never granted bail, he said. If the jury uses the exact requirements, Thaksin would also be sent to jail, Mr Thanaporn said.
The indictment against Thaksin wo n’t have any impact on Pheu Thai, according to Wisut Chainaroon, a member of the Pheu Thai list.
Do n’t try to tie him to Pheu Thai because he holds no office in the government, advised Mr. Wisut.
The attorney general’s decision to prosecute Thaksin on costs of computer crime and lese majority stemming from an interview conducted in Seoul on February 21, 2015 was made on Wednesday.
According to Prayut Phetcharakhun, spokesman for the Office of the Attorney General ( OAG ), Thaksin allegedly entered information into a computer system that was deemed a threat to national security.
But, people lawyers were unable to arraign Thaksin as planned on Wednesday because his attorney had submitted a health certificate that stated that he had Covid-19 and needed to rest until next Monday.
However, Mr. Prayut claimed that the former prime minister’s prosecutors had instructed him to look at the OAG on June 18 at 9am for the prosecution hearing.
When he claimed that secret council supported the revolution that overthrew his younger girl, Yingluck Shinawatra, in 2014, Thaksin allegedly defamed the king while speaking with South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo paper.
The comments, according to the authorities, were in violation of both the Computer Crime Act and Section 112 of the Criminal Code, also known as the der guess rules.