Woman charged with ‘stabbing’ 6-year-old boy with pen at childcare centre

SINGAPORE: A female was charged on Friday ( May 24 ) with” stabbing” a six- yr- old boy regularly with a pen at a childcare center, leaving scars on his face and scalp.

Under the Children and Young Peoples Act, the 43-year-old female was charged with one count of ill-treating a child under her care.

The judge issued a extensive- ranging joke order that forbids release of the victim’s personality, the accused’s identity and the location of the incident.

The woman is an American federal and a permanent resident of Singapore, according to the cost sheet.

The child was in her attention at the care center at around 3 o’clock on November 16, 2022 when she allegedly stabbed him head many times with a pencil.

As a result, the child suffered a 1cm- much friction on his scalp, a 2cm- much abrasion over his eyebrow ridge and a 1.5cm- much abrasion over his scalp.

The girl stated that she would enter a guilty plea.

She was given a S$ 15 000 loan, and her case will be heard once more in June.

If convicted of poor- treating a child under her care, she had been jailed for up to eight times, fined up to S$ 8, 000, or both.