What is it like to fly a plane during turbulence?

When the SQ321 helicopter was struck by significant volatility, the experience was terrifying for the passengers on board.

A 73- yr- ancient English gentleman, Geoff Kitchen, died from a suspected center attack, while dozens of others were injured.

Turbulence occurs when a plane hits air currents causing it to roll, pitch or drop suddenly. It is said to be becoming more common due to climate change.

Planes have described what they do and how they react when they hit and have reported that significant volatility incidents of this kind are really unique.

When an aircraft experiences turbulence, pilots must strap themselves into a full harness and” think of an announcement that wo n’t upset the passengers too much,” according to Captain Chris Hammond, a retired pilot whose career spans 43 years.

” If you can see it coming you can take it quiet… if it’s clear weather turmoil you’ve got to keep your hands crossed”, he said.

” Clear air” turmoil is, as the name suggests, bright and cannot be seen. It’s much more dangerous because it’s so difficult to tell apart.

Emma Henderson, a former flight captain, explained that aircraft can often be warned or place signs that turmoil is back.

She claimed that it was “definitely much more likely” for the captain to have had much caution in the case of the journey from London to Singapore.

” It’s more because there are no planes around it, rather than because it’s over the water.”

” But, if you’re flying in active German air space, for example, and there’s turbulence, pilots will speak to each other,” she explained.

” When you’re flying in a place where there’s very few other plane about, that knowledge is n’t available so these things can happen without notice.”

According to Captain Henderson, there must have been some sign of turmoil coming as soon as the seat belt signs on the journey had just been activated.

She does n’t think there would have been a chance to give greater warning.

Both Henderson and Hammond, the captains, have argued that serious volatility takes place very rarely.

Captain Hammond, a British Airlines Pilot Association member, said turbulence does n’t scare him, but that it did raise some concerns early in his career.

He would recently believe” how much can the plane get? ” but presently knows just how much aircraft may survive, adding” the feathers are supposed to cover up and down.”

According to Captain Hammond, the Singapore Airlines flight’s course is typically not any more challenging to fly.

It was light, and as far as I know, it was in the middle of the afternoon, which is when the most clouds would start to bubble up, but they’re the ones that you can see fairly simply on the radar.

” You go around a storm if you see one in front of you.” You do n’t go through it under any circumstances”, he told the BBC’s The World Tonight.

” If you ca n’t actually go around it completely then you take precautions”.

Although turbulence-related accidents are uncommon, they can be severe and fatal.

In the context of the millions of flights that are operated, extreme volatility injuries are comparatively uncommon. However, significant turmoil may be serious and lead to severe accidents or ironically, in this case, a fatality”, aircraft analyst John Strickland told the BBC’s World at One.

He emphasized that all members of the crew ashore are trained in how to deal with intense turbulence and that the aircraft are designed to “withstand serious turbulence.”

Weather reports and radar are used to avert well-known turbulence, according to Mr. Strickland.

The professional added that there are “more turmoil sensitive” regions of the world.

He said flying above the South Atlantic, above Africa and the Bay of Bengal can be more volatility- vulnerable, based on his knowledge.

According to Mr. Strickland,” It is not for nothing that airlines advise keeping seat belt loosely fastened throughout a flight, whether it be long or short.”

The safety feature on which both aircraft place the most importance is cars.

Additionally, Captain Hammond emphasized the value of the safety briefing prior to the trip.

” Talk, and if the cabin crew speak to you in that slightly higher voice: do what they say”, he added.

According to Captain Henderson,” the actual aircraft may handle rather extreme forces on it.”

” That ought to be truly comforting for everyone. The aircraft made a safe landing, and the aircraft are extremely strong, which is what led to this flight’s final outcome.

Ms Henderson said that” the biggest issue is cars” and that they do make a difference.