Rainy season has officially started

Heavy rains over 60 % of top Thailand

Rainy season has officially started
On Tuesday, the skies in Nakhon Ratchasima looked windy and gloomy. ( Photo: Prasit Tangprasert )

Heavy rains has been reported over at least 60 % of the country’s top regions, indicating that the annual wet season is upon us.

The Meteorological Department announced on May 20 that the rainy season would close and that it would start.

In middle Thailand, heavy rains has been reported over at least &nbsp, 60 % of the area for three consecutive days, &nbsp, the ministry said.

About 1,500 meters high, trade winds blowing over Thailand had changed way. The Andaman Sea’s south winds would continue to carry dampness over the land.

At about 10, 000 feet slope, the winds&nbsp, had changed course to blast from the south.

With these situations, the rainy season had started in Thailand, the ministry said.

Heavy rain in the South, especially on the west coast, may continue to pound the region until mid-January, when the rainy season in higher Thailand was anticipated to finish in mid-October.

The agency’s fast estimates is for heavy rains in areas in the North, Northeast, Central Plains and East and on the west coast, from May 21- 24.

Residents are advised to make plans for flash flooding, drainage, and heavy to really heavy rain during this time.