Man fined after failing to send Pulau Ubin dog with maggot-infested wound to vet for treatment


Save Our Street Dogs ( SOSD ), a Singapore-based organization, received feedback from the Animal and Veterinary Services ( AVS ) on August 26, 2021, regarding an injured dog it had rescued from Pulau Ubin.

According to studies, Khor noted that his canine had a&nbsp, wound on the dewclaw of its top right hand between July and August that time. A declaw is an additional bottom found on a dog’s back leg, according to wikipedia.

He cleaned the wound with antimicrobial alternative, but because he&nbsp, was not normally a tenant on Pulau Ubin, he instructed another man, who was on the island on most days, to check the wound.

When Khor arrived at the hospital in August 2021, he discovered that the scar had worms and had grown larger. &nbsp,

Instead of taking the dog to the vet for care, Khor continued to&nbsp, wash the wound with antimicrobial option. He likewise picked out the larvae himself. &nbsp,

Khor finally left for island Singapore without getting the puppy the required assistance. &nbsp,

However, the individual Khor had assigned to look after the wound for him started asking for assistance when the scar started to deteriorate. Finally, &nbsp, a member of SOSD sent the puppy to the&nbsp, Canine World Veterinary Centre on Aug 14, 2021.

By then, the scar was necrotising, meaning the tissues were dying. Additionally, it had opened cavities with a lot of maggots and colored discharge dripping from it. &nbsp,

The dog recovered completely after being warded for ten days, despite the initial treatment being an surgery. &nbsp,

It is now in the maintenance of SOSD. &nbsp,

Khor could have been jailed for up to 18 months, fined up to S$ 15 000, or both for unnecessarily omitting an action that caused his canine needless pain and suffering.

Additionally, the crime results in the person being prohibited from keeping dogs for a while.