Drug abuse not victimless; affects abusers, families and wider community: Shanmugam

Additionally, there was a sensory drug panel, which would help visitors learn how to recognize different drugs and use them to better defend against changing concealment strategies. Additionally, there were real cannabis plans on-site for visitors to taste.

Visitors could browse through the records on interactive displays in” True Drug Instances: Where Violence Meets Death,” an exhibit that featured accounts of lives lost as a result of drug abusers ‘ deeds.

Among them was the 2006 case of two- year- ancient Nonoi, who was dunked in a pail of water by her father. He was addicted to hemp. She was finally found with wounds suggesting she had been sexually assaulted and later died from the event.

A smaller-scale version of the show will be exhibited in eight different locations across the nation over the course of the next eight days.

Solving Claims

The Ministry of Home Affairs ( MHA ) responded to allegations made by civil activist Teo Soh Lung about Mr. Shanmugam’s ministerial statement on Singapore’s drug control policy on Friday.

Ms. Teo claimed in a Facebook post on May 12 that Singapore’s drug laws and regulations were inadequate and that Mr. Shanmugam had purposefully targeted a group of protesters and accused them of deceiving the public.

MHA said the drug problem may be forever” solved”, as Ms Teo seemed to indicate.

” There will be people who abuse pharmaceuticals,” the statement reads. What we can do is to try and reduce the number, and save as many life as we can”, it said.

” If we go gentle on drugs, the outcomes will likely be very poor, with a lot more enduring and deaths”.

The government claimed that the governmental assertion had described the deteriorating international drug situation and the harms that came with it.

Countries with gentle drug control laws have seen a surge in overdose costs and terrible drug-related crime and violence, it noted.

Anti-death penalty activists who were aided by the statement claimed that the statement also disclosed the facts of some court cases where many “unmeritorious” applications were filed to prevent the phrase from being carried out.

In one instance, the community involved in the dispute emailed the court about an activist who was assisting them, a circumstance that Mr. Shanmugam mentioned in his ministerial speech.

MHA further stated that Mr. Shanmugam abides by what he had previously said in parliament and that he has revoked political immunity in relation to the articles of his ministerial speech.

” ( Ms Teo ) implies that in some unspecified way, the making of the statement in parliament, with parliamentary immunity, was wrong”, said MHA.

” If Ms Teo or anyone else feels that the article’s items are practical – they can get action”.