Content creator Denise Teo on what it was like hanging out with Ed Sheeran

She did share about her interaction with the music superstar. “We didn’t have a lot of time as he had his sound check in the afternoon, but I did manage to sneak in some brief chats here and there. We talked about how his tour was going so far and reminisced on his previous shows in Singapore.”

Denise is a huge Ed Sheeran fan, and was in the audience at his first show in Singapore in 2015.

So yes, no surprises that she was really nervous about meeting him. 

“(But) I wanted to represent Singapore well so I had to put all my nerves aside!” she chuckled, adding that the singer is “as genuine and kind as they say”.

An unforgettable memory from that day for her was being able to pass Ed, who turned 33 on Feb 17, gifts after they were done with filming.

“I gave him my Supercatkei socks and also a handwritten birthday card. He seemed like he liked it, and was really appreciative,” she said.

“We were initially going to take some photographs (a play on his song Photograph) together at the Solace Studio photo booth because they have exclusive Ed Sheeran frame designs, but we were afraid of the traffic to Lau Pa Sat so we had to give that a miss,” she added.

By now you would have read or seen clips of JJ Lin’s surprise guest performance at the concert on Feb 16. The two sang JJ’s hit song Twilight (不为谁而作的歌), with Ed belting out part of the chorus in Mandarin.

Turns out, Denise was already privy to the surprise before the concert.

“We were in the car on the way to Lau Pa Sat when he casually mentioned bringing JJ Lin on! I just said ‘What???!’ because I was just so taken aback by that collaboration. We all laughed and they shared that they were hoping for that response of confusion but also excitement,” recalled Denise.

And that’s the kind of perk you get from hanging out with Ed Sheeran. 

This story was originally published in 8Days.