Analysis: What PAS’ Terengganu by-election win means for the Islamist party’s national ambitions and Anwar’s Malay powerbase

Dr. Wong stated that while Mr. Anwar can make an effort to mimic PAS, he will continue to be viewed as “fake” by the hardliner, traditional citizens.

According to Dr. Wong, “in a divided nation, most voters want more “authentic products” and reject “moderates” who try to imitate their extreme competitors.” &nbsp,

He continued,” If he tries to leap PAS, it would be pushing his democratic and ethnic-minority bottom to remain at home in protest.” &nbsp,

When analyzing the Kemaman results, Dr. Wong stated that it is likely that PAS won by a wide margin because” a sizable part of BN and PH supporters” chose not to cast their ballots. &nbsp,

He pointed out that compared to last year, Kemaman’s voter turnout had decreased by 15 percentage points, and that the percentage of voters who backed the BN candidate had dropped from 34 % to 20 %. &nbsp,

Dr. Wong asserted that since Samsuri’s victory was seen as a foregone conclusion, they might not see the point in showing up at polling places to save the faces of UMNO and Anwar. He was referring to the United Malay National Organization ( UMO), the party that makes up the majority of the BN.

He continued by saying that UMNO, PH’s principal ally in the partnership for unification in government, has also lost favor with Malay voters. &nbsp,

BN used to dominate the Kemaman electorate and the state of Terengganu, but PN now controls all 32 condition seats as well as eight governmental seats in the province’s north eastern coast. &nbsp,

According to Dr. Wong, UMNO’s resurgence as a nice average nationalist/conservative party is the only way to stop PN-led government. &nbsp,

He believed that in order to start the restoration, UMNO needs to push through a management move. &nbsp,

According to Dr. Wong,” They need a leadership change that would enable UMNO to seriously reinvent itself as an economically viable product between PN ( its main rival ) and PH ( ITS best partner for an alliance government ). &nbsp,