Almost all Singapore households have internet access, smartphone ownership at 97%


The report listed five crucial modern skills: establishing and maintaining hardware and software, online information discovery and communication, interacting with the authorities and other service providers, and avoiding online dangers.

In general, the population’s modern skills improved, but seniors in particular.

Seniors’ use of mobile payments increased to 66 % from 17 % in 2018. The proportion of people who use the internet to find information increased from 61 % in 2017 to 86 % today.

81 % of seniors check the veracity of information found in online news reports. The fact that more people of all ages do this, according to IMDA, is” reassuring.”

IMDA emphasized once more that the government has a” online first” plan, but not one where important government services are still made available to those who are unable to use digital channels.

It discovered that nearly two in three Singaporeans are eager to try out new technologies and that more than eight in ten of them agree that modern technologies have made their lives easier.

However, only about one in two Singaporeans express a willingness to accept the risks associated with technology use, making them wary of the dangers that come with digitalization, such as false information and online frauds.

More can be done, according to IMDA, to assist parents in better guiding their kids through virtual environments in a secure, responsible, and observant way.

Building trust and confidence in the safety and security of online websites, as well as inspiring enthusiasm for new modern technologies and their possible, are additional areas that need to be improved.