Macabre pics of kids with rebel corpses draw probe

Macabre pics of kids with rebel corpses draw probe
Children, donning traditional Malay outfits, hold pictures of nine dead insurgent members with a short biography in the Arabic language among photos of respected figures held by other kids during last week’s sports day parade in Pattani’s Panare district, (Photo supplied/ Abdullah Benjakat)

PATTANI: The Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc)’s Region 4 Forward Command is preparing to file complaints against relevant individuals for duping children into holding pictures of dead insurgent members in the deep south with the intent to cause conflict in society during last week’s sports day parade in Panare district.

The sports day event was organised by Ban Nam Bo Tambon Administrative Organisation (TAO), Tadika Club, public and private agencies with students from 53 schools participating. In the opening parade, a group of children aged between 7 and 8 years old, donning traditional Malay outfits, held pictures of the nine dead insurgent members with a short biography in the Arabic language among photos of respected figures held by other kids.

Photos of the activity were widely criticised by the public and media as an improper act by the organisers who appeared to be honouring the separatists though the actions of the children, according to Maj Gen Pramote Prom-in, a deputy commander of the 4th Army and deputy director of Isoc’s Region 4 Forward Command.

He said an investigation from the security agency confirmed that the action was prepared by a group of Imam and religious teachers who are members of an insurgent group. They were imprisoned on Nov 28, 2014, and were later released.

“At least three of them still support the separatist group. They also teach children and youths to be against local authorities in every way possible. We will call them for questioning as part of a legal process,” he said.

Maj Gen Pramote Prom-in, deputy commander of the 4th Army and deputy director of Isoc’s Region 4 Forward Command, on Friday meets relevant agencies to find a solution and to file complaints against the wrongdoers for violating children’s rights. (Photo : Abdullah Benjakat)

Maj Gen Pramote on Friday met relevant agencies to find a solution and to file complaints against the wrongdoers for violating children’s rights.

“We will work with Pattani Provincial Police to gather evidence to press charges against the wrongdoers for using children in a way that violates the Child Protection Act,” he said.

The Isoc’s Region 4 Forward Command also ordered all agencies, including the Southern Peace Centre and the Bureau of Public Relations and Special Affairs to create mutual understanding with Tambon Administrative Organisations, community leaders, village heads and Imams in holding appropriate activities.

The guidelines for events involving children are jointly set by Isoc, Agricultural Land Reform Office and the Office of the Private Education Commission to prevent exploitation, he said.

“Creating understanding among children is the best solution to the root of the Southern conflict,” he said.

He also urged civil groups to condemn anyone who exploits children for the benefit of partisan political activity.

“Children are like white cloth and they are innocent. We should protect them not exploit them,” he noted.