Singapore’s health tech agency IHiS relaunches as Synapxe, taps artificial intelligence for better care


The agency has been driving the technology development plans to support the implementation of the Health Ministry’s (MOH) Healthier SG programme, which focuses heavily on preventive care and aims to have citizens take charge of their own healthcare. 

Synapxe chief executive officer Ngiam Siew Ying said: “Healthier SG involves making sure that each resident has a sort of plan to look after their own health, and it often happens outside of regular brick-and-mortar encounters between a doctor and patient.”

Behind the scenes, the national health information grid holds the data together and ensures interoperability, so residents can “have a full view of their health encounters”, she added. 

The agency’s HealthX platform, which aims to bring health tech ideas to reality, provides multiple enablers to support public healthcare institutions and industry partners in their smart health innovation journey.