GE15: Those Covid-19 positive but not in critical condition can still vote, says Health DG

KUALA TERENGGANU: Individuals who are Covid-19 positive but not in critical condition will be allowed to vote in the 15th General Election (GE15), says Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

However, he said they would have to comply with strict standard operating procedures which will be announced by the Election Commission (EC).

Dr Noor Hisham said the Health Ministry had given several recommendations to the EC to be included in the SOP to ensure the election process is smooth and safe.

“There will be special channels for them (those with Covid-19), they will not be mingling with the rest.

“The use of face masks and face shields is also important, in addition to sanitisation. However, we did not suggest the use of personal protective equipment (PPE),” he told reporters when met at the national level World Sight Day 2022 celebration here on Thursday. (Oct 13).

On another matter, Dr Noor Hisham said the ministry had made preparations for the monsoon season by placing its personnel at temporary relief centres (PPS) and also by identifying locations with high-risk patients.

He said health workers would ensure proper hygiene is maintained at relief centres and also conduct screenings to prevent the spread of diseases.

“For those with medical risks such as kidney patients requiring haemodialysis treatment, the ministry has identified their locations so their treatment is not interrupted during floods.

“We have their data and also data of locations where additional services are required if it floods,” he said.

He said 552 of the 2,891 ministry health clinics nationwide have been identified as located in flood risk areas, but added that alternative measures are in place to overcome the problem. – Bernama